World Congress of Modern Languages:
Collaborating across Languages and Borders
March 26-28, 2015, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
In 2015 FIPLV joins forces with CASLT (Canadian Association of
Second Language Teachers) and OMLTA (Ontario Modern Language
Teachers’ Association) to hold the 2015 World Congress of Modern
Languages in Niagara Falls (ON), Canada, March 26-28, 2015. Click to flyer
This exciting and rewarding event will bring together over 1,000 participants, including a wide range of national and international language education stakeholders – it is a unique opportunity to benefit from networking and from learning about innovative pedagogies, research, and policy in the field. We will gather to find out about new technologies, to share strategies and practices, to discuss emerging research, to examine important resources, and to analyse trends and issues surrounding language education and cultural diversity.
The themes below provide some examples of areas that will be explored at this conference:
• Approaches to Language Teaching, Assessment, and Evaluation;
• The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) – pedagogies, resources, impact on curricula (international, national, provincial, local);
• Language and Culture – multilingualism / plurilingualism, cultural diversity, and cross-cultural communication;
• Teacher Collaboration to Improve Student Success;
• Metacognition and Learner Autonomy;
• Student Motivation and Engagement;
• Technology and Social Media within and across Borders;
• Language Education and Languages of Education – official languages, Indigenous languages, second languages, modern / foreign languages, heritage languages, immigrant languages.
Find the detailed information in English and French here.
The Call for Papers is now open, with a closing date of 15 July 2014.
Click here to submit a proposal.