Uuest uudiskirjast leiate võõrkeeleõpetajate maailmaorganisatsiooni FIPLV piirkondliku regiooni NBR (Nordic-Baltic Region) presidendi Sigurborg Jónsdóttiri juhtkirja (lk 1-2):
As the Easter holidays draw closer, we find ourselves living in a different world than just a few weeks ago. Due to the raging virus, schools and many other educational institutions have been closed. Our professional life has changed dramatically for most of us. It is quite a challenge to switch to distance learning at hardly any notice. /… / This issue of our Newsletter contains good advice and links relating to our new ways of teaching on-line and professionalism gathered by our good Secretary Eglė Šleinotienė. It also features seminars and workshops organized by the different Associations as well as educational policy issues. The NBR conference is still on for this year in Reykjavík. We already have quite a program in different languages. All updates will be posted on the conferences’ homepage and on our Facebook. A final decision will be made and announced on 15 April 2020. I wish you all the very best and take care in these difficult times.
Uudiskirjas tutvustatakse ettevalmistusi NBR 2020 konverentsiks “Future of Languages“ (lk 3-5). Lõplik otsus konverentsi toimumise kohta võetakse vastu 15. aprillil. Vt konverentsi eelprogrammi siit: https://vigdis.hi.is/en/events/fiplv-nbr-conference/ Uudiskirjast leiate ka artikleid võõrkeelte õpetamisest Soomes, õpetajakoolituse ja üldhariduskoolide väljakutsetest Leedus ja veebruaris Riias toimunud RELANG 2020 koolitusest läti võõrkeeleõpetajatele ( lk 6-17). Huvilised leiavad palju soovitusi ja linke õppetöö korraldamiseks digitehnoloogia vahendite abil distantsõppes (lk 17- 21), nt Coronavirus: Ed tech offers free services https://thepienews.com/news/coronavirus-ed-tech-offers-free-services/ Artiklis on viidatud ka sellele, kuidas toimub õppetöö Eesti koolides. „And in Estonia – already a digital-embracing nation where e-residency is available – the Ministry of Education & Research announced the country is “humbled to share all of its digital education tools to support other countries’ education systems during the COVID-19 crisis”. Artikli Eesti kohta leiate haridus-ja teadusministeeriumi kodulehelt.
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