Every legal or natural person who desires to engage in activities in accordance with the purposes of the association can apply for membership.
Procedure for Admission of Legal Person
A legal personwho desires to be admitted as a member of the Estonian Association of Foreign Language Teachers shall present the following documents* addressed to the board:
1) a free-text application addressed to the board of the Estonian Association of Foreign Language Teachers
2) a membership form
3) an extract from the decision of the board or general meeting (depending on the statutes of the organisation) as to the desire to join the Estonian Association of Foreign Language Teachers
4) a copy of the statutes and a valid statement of registration data
5) a list of members of the organisation and contact information (position, e-mail address)
As of 1 January 2011, the admission fee for legal personsis €19.17 and the membership fee is €0.96 permember of the organisation.
No later than one month after receiving an application, the board of the association shall accept or decline the application and inform the person who presented the documents of its decision.
No later than two weeks after issuing the decision of admission to the association, the admission and membership fee should be paid to the association's account no. 102 2011 073 4010 in SEB Pank.
* Digitally signed documents will be sent to the association’s e-mail address and physically signed documents will be sent to the association’s postal address.
Appendix:membership form for legal persons
Procedure for Admission of Natural Person
A natural person who desires to be admitted as a member of the Estonian Association of Foreign Language Teachers shall present the following documents* addressed to the board:
1) a free-text application addressed to the board of the Estonian Association of Foreign Language Teachers
2) a membership form
* Digitally signed documents will be sent to the association’s e-mail address and physically signed documents will be sent to the association’s postal address.
As of 1 January 2011, the admission fee for natural personsis €3.20 and the membership fee is €9.59.
No later than one month after receiving an application, the board of the association shall accept or decline the application and inform the person who presented the documents of its decision.No later than two weeks after being informed of the decision of admission to the association, the admission and membership fee should be paid to the association's account no. 102 2011 073 4010 in SEB Pank.Appendix : membership form for natural persons